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What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium grant was introduced in April 2011 in recognition of the fact that children from disadvantaged families tended to perform less well academically than their peers. 

In 2011/12, funding was given to schools for each pupil who was eligible based on them having free school meals or having been 'looked after' for more than 6 months continuously. By 2012/13, this had been extended to include children who had been eligible for free school meals at any point in the previous 6 years. Later, pupil premium was extended to cover those children whose parents were currently serving in the Armed Forces. 

Pupil Premium funding for 2022/23 is at the following levels:

Eligibility Amount per pupil (£) Funding paid to

On free school meals or having

been eligible at any point in the last

6 years

£1,385 School

Pupils who have been adopted or

have left care

£2,410 School

Children looked after by the local


£2,410 Local Authority

Children whose parents are serving

in the Armed Forces

£320 School