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Curriculum Overview

Curriculum: The vision


Our Curriculum aims to ensure each and every child can ' live life in all its fullness' by offering stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with our core  values of respect, honesty, trust and empathy at its heart.

As a school we believe that within a partnership with parents and the community, we can give our children the guidance, opportunities and belief to have high aspirations. Therefore our curriculum will ensure that academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and strong mental health all come together to support the development of the whole child.

Valuing learning

At Cam Everlands Primary school, the teaching community prides itself on having an outstanding understanding of our children and recognising that each child is an individual and learns in their own way.  We believe that in order for our children to thrive, their safety and happiness is paramount. At the core of our approach, we want to develop successful learners that are curious, motivated, courageous and understand that by making mistakes they aid meaningful learning.   


The continual development of a curriculum that addresses the needs of our children and stimulates an interest of their community and understanding of the wider world is essential for their personal development and love of learning. We will aspire to provide a curriculum that builds on pupil’s potential and prior knowledge whilst not providing a ceiling for their development. We will create an environment that develops sharing of learning that will extend far beyond our walls.

The organisation of objectives in each teacher’s curriculum will develop important skills that span across subject disciplines and enable them to excel in life: problem solving, analysing and using information; creativity and showing personal expression; research skills; aural, oral and written communication; leadership, teamwork and collaboration.

All ‘units’ of learning will have enrichment activities that excite and engage the children so that learning is meaningful and relevant for them. These could include field studies, visits, workshops, artefact boxes, role-play and practical resources.

Progression of knowledge, skills and understanding is carefully planned, reviewed and adapted yearly to ensure that children’s learning builds effectively over time to ensure children are ready to meet the expectations of secondary school and life in the outside world.

Teachers will be self-reflective and will enhance their teaching skills and strategies to help raise standards across the full breadth of the curriculum.

Achievement for all

We are passionate about celebrating our children’s individual achievements. We welcome parents to support us in championing their success in achievements both at home and in school. Children at Cam Everlands Primary School know the feeling of success throughout their learning and they are encouraged to demonstrate pride in the outcomes they have created.

Impact for our children

From their different starting points, all children will be supported to achieve: academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for the next phase of their education.

  • They will have strong communication skills, both written and verbal, and will listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others.
  • They will take pride in all that they do, always striving to do their best.
  • They will demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge.
  • They will develop a sense of self-awareness and become confident in their own abilities.
  • They will be kind, respectful and honest, demonstrate inclusive  attitudes and have a sense of their role in our wider society.

Our Curriculum individual subjects Statements

Reception Yearly Overview


Please check the Reception Class Page as more detailed information is added to match the children's current next steps every half term. 

Year 1 curriculum plan

Year 2 Curriculum 2020-2021

Year 3 - Curriculum Overview 2021-2022

Year 4 - Curriculum Overview - 2021-2022

Year 5 - Curriculum overview 2021 - 2022

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Writing Curriculum

Reading Curriculum








Art Progression Grid





Key Stage 1 & 2 Opportunities