
Cam Everlands Primary School

We Believe, Achieve and Celebrate

Cam Everlands Primary School

We Believe, Achieve and Celebrate

Our Pupil Premium strategy

How the funding for Pupil Premium is used is decided by the leaders of the school. The strategy which is decided upon is based on a defined 'menu of approaches' set out in guidance provided by the government.


There are 3 areas in which funding can be spent:


  1. high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development
  2. targeted academic support, such as tutoring
  3. wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour, and social and emotional support


We use evidence-rich reports, such as those written by the Education Endowment Foundation, to decide on the best approaches for our children and review the impact of these on an annual basis. Our current strategy is found below:

Impact review of the Pupil Premium for 2022/23 can be found below

Previous Pupil Premium strategy documents can be found below for reference:
